Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Embark! (3)

So, I find that every time I start over I get a little bit happier with the results I get. Instead of trying to mass planters, I realized in my last for that a massive crafting industry is probably the best way to use new migrants...that and a military in case of mega beasts...

With that in mind, lets kick it off again!

After one migration wave I have 2 carpenters, a wood cutter, 3 miners, 2 planters, a cook, a brewer, 2 masons, a hunter, and a butcher! Sounds like a very promising start to me.


  1. I think you got yourself a good start. lol

  2. What is this? It looks interesting

  3. great start, set you up for the whole game

  4. This game looks like a lot of fun!

  5. Oh shi, that's Dwarf Fortress, lots of fun has been had with this
